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Is Your Lower Back Pain Caused by a Tight Hip Flexor?
The iliopsoas muscle known as the hip flexor can be a huge culprate to why your lower back hurts. I can think of many lower back pain...

How to Select a Physical Therapist That Fits Your Needs
As with any service company there are many options to choose from. There are many factors that play into the final decision of what...

Attack the Source of Pain
We got some cool new tools to help with pain relief at Healing Arts Physical Therapy! They look a bit intimidating at first, almost like...

Treat Your Neck Right
There are a few steps I would recommend to keep a healthy neck and prevent pain and stiffness from occuring. I see a good deal of...

Put That Pelvis Back in Line
One common thing that we see here at Healing Arts Physical Therapy with people coming in for lower back pain and hip pain is that the...
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